About RekTek.camp

RekTek seeks to consolidate your recreation organization's administrative tasks to one ecosystem! RekTek provides a tailored experience for your organization at a very attractive price point. We, like you, enjoy spending time outdoors. So spend less time planning and managing and more time doing, with our RekTek platform that streamlines any workflow with our modular approach. Our ecosystem can meet any organizations needs.

What we can help you do:

Manage participant registration and medical information.
Manage organizational facilities; whether rented, lived in, stored in, or whatever may be.
Track your gear! Use our tags to track organizational equipment big or small through its lifecycle. Giving input on retirement date suggestions, usage tracking, and the ability to check-in and track historical storage data.
Assign and manage your available equipment for usage on organizational programs. Plan programs, with workflows that allow request submission and approval to fit any organizational hierarchy.